Sunday 22 April 2018

Term 2 - Week 2


ANZAC - Inquiry Questions
Today, a note was sent regarding our learning of ANZAC with 5 inquiry questions for you to collaborate with your child in learning about these questions. We encourage you to talk with your child, investigate, look at pictures, whatever is easy for you to understand in their learning. If you have any ANZAC memorabilia to share, we welcome this sharing in our classrooms.

Homework will be sent this week, either today or tomorrow from your classroom teacher. If you still have your homework book at home, please send it in ASAP.

Dance Fever
Dance Fever will be held every Tuesday afternoon

Camp Quality
Camp Quality made a presentation today for the year level to inform them about leukaemia.

Our Lady of Lourdes
This Friday a presentation will be made by Our Lady of Lourdes for the girls.

Caritas Presentation
This Friday a Caritas update on the amount we collected during Lent will be made in Siena at 2:30pm